Edwards EST (SIGA-PD) Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector



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Edwards/ EST smoke detector SIGA-PD

The Signature Series SIGA-PD optical smoke detector brings advanced sensing technology to a practical design that increases efficiency, saves installation time, cuts costs, and extends life safety
and property protection capabilities. Continuous self-diagnostics ensure reliability over the long-haul, while environmental compensation helps reduce maintenance costs.  Like all Signature Series detectors, the SIGA-PD is an intelligent device that gathers analog information from its optical sensor, converting this data into digital signals.  To make an alarm decision, the detector’s on-board microprocessor measures and analyzes sensor readings and compares this information to historical data.  Digital filters remove signal patterns that are not typical of fires, thus virtually eliminating unwanted alarms.

This is the direct replacement for the SIGA-PS detector. Please browse our online store if you are in need of replacement parts.

Order yours today, or contact the Life Safety Consultants team at sales@lifesafetycom.com or toll free (888) 557-0558 if you have any questions!

Additional information

Weight .20 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 3 in


Part Type

Intelligent, Photoelectric, Smoke Detector









  • The SIGA-PD detects extremely small particles of combustion and triggers an alarm at the first sign of smoke. Thanks to its high performance forward-scattering reflective response technology, the photoelectric smoke sensor responds quickly and reliably to a wide range of fire types, espe cially slow burning fires fuelled by combustibles typically found in modern multi-use buildings.


  • Next Generation Optical Smoke Sensing Technology
  • Wide 0.53 to 3.94 %/ft. (1.7 to 12.35 %/m) smoke obscuration
  • Uses Existing Wiring
  • Automatic Device Mapping
  • Up To 250 Total Signature Addresses Per Loop
  • Two Levels of Environmental Compensation
  • Two Levels of Dirty Detector Warning
  • Twenty Pre-Alarm Settings
  • Five Sensitivity Settings
  • Non-Volatile Memory
  • Electronic Addressing
  • Identification of Dirty or Defective Detectors
  • Automatic Day/Night Sensitivity Adjustment
  • Bicolor (Green/Red) Status Led
  • Standard, Relay, Fault Isolator, and Audible Mounting Bases
  • Sensor Markings Provide Easy Testing Identification

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