Fire Alarm & Protection Blogs

The Sounds of Your Fire Alarm System

Fire Alarms

Is one of the fire alarms in your home or business making a strange sound? If so, you should not ignore it under any circumstances. It may mean that it’s time to change your battery before it dies. It also may mean that you have something malfunctioning with your alarm. Either way, the sound is… Read more »

Fire Prevention Week Is Right Around the Corner

Fire Prevention Week

A fire can happen in a home, business, or other location any time. So it’s imperative for everyone to be on the lookout for fires and, more importantly, for them to know how to react when one starts. It’s why the National Fire Protection Association holds Fire Prevention Week once every single year. The purpose… Read more »

Prevent an Electrical Fire With These Safety Tips

Electrical Fire

When is the last time you had the electrical wiring in your home or business inspected? Far too many people neglect to have electrical inspections done, and as a result, the wiring in their homes and businesses isn’t as safe as it could and should be. This can put homes and businesses at an increased… Read more »

Things to Keep in Mind When Planning a Fire Drill

Fire Drill Planning

School is now officially back in session all across the country, and you know what that means, right? Outside of teaching students about math, spelling, social studies, and more, schools are also going to be implementing fire safety plans to prevent problems in the event of a fire inside of a school. They are going… Read more »

Do Smoke Alarms Expire?

Smoke Alarms

Do you have smoke alarms installed in various parts of your home? If so, you might think that your smoke alarms will protect you and your family in the event of a fire. As long as you check your batteries on a regular basis, you are probably under the assumption that your smoke alarms will… Read more »

A Brief Look at the History of Fire Alarm Pull Stations

Fire Alarm Pull Stations

If you have ever walked through a commercial building or an industrial facility, you have no doubt come across a fire alarm pull station. These pull stations are usually red and white, and in the event of a fire, they allow for people to notify others about the presence of the fire by pulling on… Read more »

How Often Should Smoke Alarms Be Replaced?

Replacing Smoke Alarms

Do you know how often you’re supposed to replace the smoke alarms in your home? A study conducted by the National Fire Protection Association in late 2016 found that, while about half of all Americans have three or more smoke alarms in their home at the moment, about 20 percent of them have smoke alarms… Read more »

What Should You Do If a Fire Starts In Your Home?

Fire Safety Tips

House fires are frightening. Despite the many advances in home safety over the years, there are still more than 350,000 home structure fires each year in the U.S. Structure fires in homes are responsible for more than 2,500 deaths each year (about seven people per day on average), and more than 12,000 injuries. This is… Read more »