Fire Alarm & Protection Blogs

Why Businesses Should Train Staff About Fire Safety

Fire Safety Training

When is the last time you put your staff through fire safety training? If it’s been a while now, you should consider doing it soon. There are many benefits you will enjoy when you take the time to train your employees about what to do in the event of a fire. Let’s take a look… Read more »

Why You Should Consider Having a Smoke Alarm in Every Room

Smoke Detectors

The Jones family in Upstate New York survived a devastating fire that destroyed all of their possessions and could have nearly killed them all– two adults, two kids and pets. “We had smoke detectors downstairs and just one in the upstairs hallway,” remembers Sarah Jones. “Unfortunately, my daughter took the battery out of the upstairs… Read more »

How to Make Your Home Safe From Fire

One thing all people agree on is this: no one wants to have their house catch on fire and burn down. That kind of loss can be devastating. What are some practical tips for making your home safe from fires? Know Where Fires Most Often Start First of all, we have to consider why fires… Read more »

Important Fire Safety Tips to Implement

Fire Safety Tips to Implement

According to a National Fire Protection Association report that was released in 2017, a home fire took place in the U.S. about once every 90 seconds in 2015. In addition, while many of those fires were put out before they caused too much devastation, it’s easy to see why the NFPA recommends that people take… Read more »

Ways to Prevent Winter Fires

Fires in the Winter

Fires can happen in your home or business at any time of the year. But there’s an increased risk for fires during the winter months. There are a few tips you should follow to reduce your chances of being forced to deal with a fire this winter. Let’s take a look at them below. Maintain… Read more »

How You Can Help Prevent Home Fires

Home Fires

Fires in residences account for some 80 percent of fire-related deaths. Did you know about 4,000 people die each year from fires in the home, with about 25,000 people being injured by fires yearly? Meanwhile, fires cause billions of dollars in property damage yearly, too. What are some things that can be done to help… Read more »