Fire Alarm & Protection Blogs

How College Students Can Prevent Fires This Semester

Fire Safety for College Students

Fire safety isn’t something that’s at the top of most college kids’ priority lists. But the truth is that it should be. Whether college kids live in dorms or off-campus housing, there’s a chance they could be forced to face a fire at some point during their college careers. Let’s take a look at some… Read more »

Fire Drill Tips for the Start of the New School Year

Fire Drills for Schools

There are about 4,000 fires that take place in U.S. schools every year. Because of this, the National Fire Protection Agency recommends that schools hold at least one fire drill every month to protect teachers and students. A fire drill will let teachers and students know exactly what they need to do in the event… Read more »

A Crash Course on Smoke Alarms

Smoke Alarms

They’re all around us, yet we don’t pay much attention to them… they’re smoke alarms and smoke detectors. Designed to “go off” if too much smoke fills a space, a good smoke alarm/detector can save lives in the case of a fire. Alarms alert people that there’s a problem and they need to vacate the… Read more »

Fire Risks for Elderly People

Fire Risks for Elderly Folks

People of all ages can face fire risks in their homes. But elderly people, in particular, can find themselves dealing with certain fire risks that are exclusive to those in their age group. If you’re a senior citizen or you have a special senior in your life, you should work to reduce these fire risks…. Read more »

The Lessons Learned From Pet Fire Safety Day

Pet Fire Safety Day

If a fire were to break out in your home tomorrow, how would you protect your pets and get them out safely? July 15 was Pet Fire Safety Day, which makes now the perfect time to consider what steps you can take to keep your pets safe in the event of a fire. Here are… Read more »

Fire Alarm Basics

Installing a fire alarm in your home or business could help save lives in the event of a fire. It could also cut down on the amount of property damage that is done during a fire. A basic fire alarm will do this by performing several functions. Let’s take a look at those functions below…. Read more »

Safety Tips for Your Family Fires This Summer

Family Fire Safety Tips

This summer, and year-round for that matter, it’s important to think about fire safety in and around the home. After all, one bad move could end up burning down the house. It’s imperative that families talk about fire safety. Families with little ones under the age of 10 especially need to explain to the youngsters… Read more »

What to Do If There is a Fire In Your Home

House Fire

There are more than 1 million fires that take place in American homes every year. Unfortunately, those fires lead to upwards of 15,000 injuries and 3,000 deaths annually. If your home ever sustains a fire, you should know how to react to keep your family safe. Here’s what you should do if a fire ever… Read more »