Fire Alarm & Protection Blogs

A Guide to Choosing the Right Replacement Fire Alarm Parts

Graphic of different fire alarm parts

When it comes to fire safety, there’s no room for compromise. Your fire alarm system plays a critical role in protecting your building, employees, and assets, which is why keeping it in peak condition is essential. Over time, parts can wear out or become outdated, requiring replacement to ensure reliability. Nevertheless, with so many manufacturers… Read more »

When is it Time to Budget for a New Fire Alarm System?

Hand of woman reaching to Fire alarm switch system

Budgets are often determined months or even years in advance, right? So, when is it time to budget for a new fire alarm system for your building or complex? Commercial fire alarm systems have many components. And, like most products, they sometimes fail and/or stop working all-together, especially if they’re older– say, for instance, more… Read more »

Commercial Fires Could Happen at Your Workplace

Large blaze fire in industrial building

If a fire occurs at a house, it’s a residential fire. If it occurs at a place where the public spends money and gathers for business or pleasure, such as a store or hotel, it’s deemed a commercial fire. Specifically, a commercial fire is defined by some as a fire that breaks out in an… Read more »

Avoid these Fire Safety Violations in Commercial Buildings

Red fire alarm switch on concrete wall in factory. Industrial fire warning system equipment for emergency.

Sometimes safety gets put on the back burner, but that’s not good. Commercial buildings tend to be used by a lot of different people, whether they’re office workers, delivery people, customers/visitors, etc. And no one wants a building to go up in flames and kill people. Therefore, it behooves the powers-that-be to care about fire… Read more »

The Benefits of Notifier Fire Alarm Systems

Notifier UDACT-2

There are different fire alarm systems to choose from, and one that you should consider is called the NOTIFIER system. What makes this one special? In one word, it’s integration. The NOTIFIER system is known for its adaptability; It can detect and respond to any emergency, sending signals to a central command center while also… Read more »