Most companies still utilize a time clock for employees to punch into and out of work each day. Time clocks are an easy system for keeping track of work day hours and it holds employees accountable for getting paid.
The system behind the time clock is rather simple. Each employee will receive a card with the work day dates on each side, as well as a time in and a time out slot. Upon arrival to work, employees will retrieve their card and insert it into the slot on the time clock. At the end of the week, managers will collect the punch cards or the employees will turn them in for payroll.
The process sounds easy enough and while it is, when the time clock malfunctions, payroll problems arise. Since a time clock is the only means by which an employee shows proof of work and the payroll is reflected strictly on those punched in and out times, it is imperative that it works. If not maintained properly, the time clock can read an inaccurate arrival/dismissal time as well as causing missing data.
The motor is the essential component to the time clock functioning correctly and this is where it is most common to see problems with the system. Time clock errors can be costly, unless you know exactly what to do and who to turn to for repairs. Typical time clock errors can be fixed with new parts like a motor or ribbon, which are needed for proper functioning.
Life Safety Consultants stock a variety of time clock motors, ribbons and other parts. To avoid unnecessary repair costs and manual recording of work hours, be sure to contact us if you notice that your time clock is no longer working.